The Twister or Spin Move is a great soccer move to avoid a tackling defender. It goes by many names: The Maradona, The Zidane. the Roulette, or The Hurricane. There might even be other names for this simple but effective football move.

Step 1
Dribble the ball towards your opponent. Fake as if you are going to shoot or pass the ball.
Step 2
Then stop the ball with your studs and in one motion either drag it back or push it back with the outside of your foot. Your momentum will take you forward.
Step 3
As you move forward your foot should go over the ball and land between the ball and the defender. Keep your arm up too in order to shield the ball.
Step 4
Using your back foot use the studs or sole of the foot to drag the ball into space as you spin. You can then dribble into space and your defender will be left to pick up his pride as he stands there confused.
When Can You Use the Maradona Spin Move?
Now that you know the basics for the trick move. See if you can pick up any variations from the soccer pros. There are back heel passes, bicycle kick passes, flicks, and more in this video.
You can use it to beat the last defender so you can shoot, to get out of high-pressure situations, or at pace when your dribbling down the field. The options are endless!
It is a relatively easy move to master, but no one can do it as well as the master himself.